Missing One Tooth

A single implant is a very common and daily procedure in our practice. A dental implant can replace any tooth in the mouth.

When either the tooth and root are damaged or a tooth is about to be lost, the best permanent replacement is a dental implant in conjunction with crown. An implant both looks and functions just like a natural tooth. A dental implant to replace one missing tooth is the most natural, cost-effective, least-invasive and long-term tooth replacement.

General Description Of Treatment

This procedure normally includes one to four visits. Depending on the location of the tooth, (i.e. a front tooth), a dental implant and crown can be done in one hour with Dr. Amin’s special technique. This is called an immediate implant… you leave the office with a tooth now, not in six months. You should expect to be able to work the day after having the implant placed. Here is a more detailed description of this single missing tooth using a dental implant procedure: